3,014 research outputs found

    My Baby Doll

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    On her eighth birthday, Isabelle Joss woke up with a mysterious doll in her arms. No one knew where it came from, but since that day the doll had become Izzy’s most prized possession. She stopped playing with the doll around age twelve but kept it in her room because she always found comfort in its presence. On the night before she was supposed to leave for college, the doll disappeared from her room. Izzy searched high and low throughout her entire bedroom and childhood home but to no avail. When she stepped out of her closet after grabbing the last of her clothes to pack, she nearly collided with a young girl dressed in a ruffled pink dress holding the missing doll. She “MY BABY DOLL” PROPOSAL 3 introduced herself as Isabelle Joss, and that’s when Izzy realized she was talking to her younger self. Izzy followed Isabelle to her home which looked oddly like her house and inside were voices that sounded like her late parents. That’s when she knew. Isabelle had led her to the night of her eighth birthday, just two weeks before her sister was murdered by an evil witch. Izzy was determined to protect little Isabelle and save her sister from the evils that took her away. And maybe find out where the doll came from in the proces

    The "Gender Gap" in India and China: A Comparative Study

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    This paper provides an in-depth comparison of economic and political decisions as they relate to women of two of the biggest and oldest societies in the world - India and China. Based on long experience with quantitative data, the author also raises questions about how much such data obscures the experience of women.Cet article fait une comparaison detaillee entre les decisons d'ordre economique et les decision d'ordre politique et fait leur lien entre elles et les femmes des deux plus grandes et plus anciennes societes au monde: l'Inde et la Chine. En se basant sur une longue experience et des donnees quantitatives, l'auteure souleve des questions sur la facon dont ces donnees obscurent l'experience des femmes

    “A Comprehensive Review on Selective Dual Inhibitor NSAID - Polmacoxib”

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    The review article provides extensive overview on the promising pharmaceutical compound, polmacoxib also known as CG100649, explaining its pharmacological properties, chemical and physical properties, clinical studies and analytical methods. Polmacoxib is a novel nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that has shown significant interest in recent years for its potential therapeutic benefits in Osteoarthritis treatment and distinct analytical characteristics. The chemical and pharmacological section in this review depicts the choice of solvents to be used through its solubility profile and the mechanism of action which focuses on inhibition of both cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and carbon anhydrase inhibition with subsequent modulation of prostaglandin synthesis. The clinical trial of polmacoxib shows especially the phase 3 trial explains majorly about the safety and efficacy of the drug and explains why it is the chosen one among other NSAIDs. Data from randomized controlled trials and observational studies provides understanding of its use in patient population, expressing its potential as an alternate NSAID. Analytical methods for polmacoxib, such as Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (RP-HPLC), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), and Powder X-Ray Diffraction (PXRD) are highlighted in this review. The RP-HPLC is developed for quantification of drug, while DSC and PXRD reveals about the solid-state property of CG100649 which will be useful in formulation and stability studies. In conclusion, this review article provides critical information regarding the drug Polmacoxib with its chemical and pharmacological properties, trials conducted as well as analytical procedures performed. It would clearly serve as a valuable resource for analysts, clinicians, researchers and pharmaceutical professionals in understanding its potential and performing further in-process manufacturing and drug product developmen


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    Rasa Shastra the unique branch of Ayurveda deals in detail about pharmaceutical and therapeutic uses of various metals, minerals and marine drugs. Hingula (cinnabar) is one among several important drugs in Ayurveda which is used as single remedy or as an ingredient in various herbo-mineral preparations. By most of the ayurvediya Rasa Shastra classics, it is grouped under Sadharana Rasa Varga. Hingula is the prime source of mercury. Chemically it consists of mercury (86%) and Sulphur (13.5%), with molecular formula HgS, called as red sulphide of Mercury. About 20 books of Rasa Shastra are reviewed by the author in an attempt to provide the detailed description about Hingula like its occurrence, synonyms, classification, pharmacological properties, Ashuddha Hingula Dosha, its antidote, Shodhana, Marana, therapeutic dose, therapeutic indications, Sattvapatana, artificial methods of cinnabar preparation, methods of extraction of mercury from Hingula and various specific formulations mentioned in classics. Purified Hingula is useful in the treatment of all types of eye diseases (Netra Roga), it mitigates all the three vitiated Doshas. It is best remedy for the disorders of liver, pancreas, rheumatoid arthritis (Amavata), diabetes mellitus (Prameha) fever, spermatorrhoea and leprosy, skin diseases (Kushtha). It is useful in Parada Jarana procedure (increasing therapeutic potency of mercury). The mercury extracted from cinnabar (Hingulottha Parada) is equivalent to Ashtsamskarita Parada which is used in the preparations. It also possesses all the properties of Gandhaka Jaarita Parada (digestion of sulphur in mercury). It is used in the incineration procedures of gold, silver etc metals

    Comparative Analysis of Image Stenography Techniques for Image Quality & Security

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    In this paper, discuss about the data hiding using the wavelet approach is better technique in stegnography techniques. optimization techniques are better results provides for the data hiding in stenography. In Discrete Wavelet Transform, HAAR Wavelet gives the excellent peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and less computation time. In optimization, particle swarm optimization technique is gives excellent better result in case of PSNR ratio.In spatial domain, common useful technique is least significant bit(LSB) gives better result in case of data payload capacity and less computation time. In paper mentioned, all above techniques with compare to other related techniques useful in stegnography

    Comparative Study of Personality Characteristics Between Combative and Team Game Players

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    The purpose of the present investigation was to compare the personality characteristics of players who engage in combative games with those who engage in team games better to comprehend the distinctions between the two categories of players. The study examined 96 male athletes aged 21–26 who competed in intercollegiate competitions in their combative sport. The data was collected with the Big Five Personality Questionnaire by Oliver, P. John & Sanjay Srivastava was used to gather data (1999). The independent samples t-test compared combative game players and team game players. The significance threshold was 0.05. The results showed that combative and team sports differed in Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to experience (p<0.05) but not in Neuroticism (p>0.05)

    Effect of Pranayama on Breath Holding Time of College Students

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    Context: Pranayama is a method for regulating and manipulating breath and meditation. It enables individuals to achieve a state of profound relaxation while maintaining mental alertness. Recent research on the effects of yoga on the respiratory system over the long term has shown promising results. Aim: This study\u27s primary objective was to assess pranayama\u27s impact on breath holding time. Settings and Design The present investigation entail the examination of a group of 25 male participants who exhibited good health and fell within the age range of 21 to 26 years. Methods and Material: The participants who met the specified inclusion and exclusion criteria were subjected to a 15-minute pranayama session facilitated by a yoga instructor over a period of 12 weeks. Respiratory functioning before and after yoga was assessed using measurements of breath-holding duration. The parameters were analyzed using the student t-test. Results: The breath-holding duration have shown a notable increase compared to the period before engaging in yoga practice. Conclusions: The findings of this study demonstrate the positive impacts of consistent engagement in pranayama on respiratory functioning

    Evaluation of Nutritional and Medicinal Properties of Opuntia elatior Mill

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    Medicinal plant Opuntia elatior Mill., family Cactaceae, was studied for its nutritional value and health benefited properties from fruit. The fruit of the plants was extracted in sequential manner using methanol, hexane and distilled water. Out of these, maximum extract yield present in the methanolic extract was 36.84%. Nutritional value present in the 100 g of methanolic extracts of fruit was 1.02, 0.60, 63.26, and 0.11 mg of carbohydrates, protein, vitamin C and fat, respectively. Methanolic extract exhibits the highest antioxidant activity that is 54.10% and the lowest antioxidant activity is exhibited by the hexanoic extract at 45.66% and the distilled water at 50.40% of antioxidant activity. The anti-inflammation activity, the ability of protein denaturation in different fruit extracts of the maximum percentage of inhibition of 37.49% was observed from methanol extract followed by distilled water at 34.15% and then hexane at 30.38%. Phytochemical constituents present in the methanolic extract are alkaloids and phytosterols compound. High-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) analysis of methanolic extract showed the presence of three bands. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) analysis of methanolic extracts 19 characterization of bioactive compound. The methanolic extracts of fruits containing high content of protein, vitamin-C and carbohydrates provide good nutritional potential value and antioxidant activity and antiinflammation activity that may be possibly contribute to the treatment of arthritic disease
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